Post-Flood Fixes – 3 Services Your Home Needs After A Flood

Post-Flood Fixes - 3 Services Your Home Needs After A Flood

Floods can be a nasty business that can seriously put your home out of commission. Indeed, many Americans lose their homes to flooding each year. If you are fortunate enough to only have some minor flooding in your home, then you will still be dealing with a variety of repairs for your Orlando home beyond getting the water out, such as mold removal.

Knowing what repairs are needed will clarify your thinking when you are handling the aftermath of a flood. Generally speaking, the repairs that most homes in Orlando need after a flood are water damage restoration, mold remediation, and sewage cleanup service.

Let’s look at three specific services that your Orlando home needs after a flood in more detail.

Water Damage Restoration

Water damage restoration in Orlando involves both getting the water out of your home and fixing the damage that it has caused. Getting the water out of your home can be a big job, depending on how badly your home was harmed by the flood. Often, specialized equipment is used to pump out the water in the safest possible way.

After the water is gone, our team at Elements Disaster Recovery can assess whether any of the contaminated flood water has damaged the aesthetics or structure of your home to repair it.

Mold Remediation

Mold remediation in Orlando involves getting rid of any mold or potential conditions for mold to grow. Mold can be seriously harmful to human health. If it is inside your home, then it may no longer be a safe place to live.

Here at Elements Disaster Recovery, we use a variety of tried and tested methods to clear out the threat of mold from your home. Depending on the size of the affected area, more serious techniques involving a HEPA vacuum and detergent may be needed.

Sewage Cleanup Service

Perhaps one of the more viscerally unpleasant parts of flood damage in your home is the influx of sewage that a flood can bring. Our Elements Disaster Recovery sewage cleanup service uses specialized training, equipment, and techniques to rid your home of any type of contaminated water. Ideally, your home will only be contaminated with clean water, from a broken water pipe, for example. However, your home may also be infiltrated by black water, which is very contaminated and contains microbes and bacteria that could be harmful.

To avoid any risk to your household, it is essential that the professionals handle sewage cleanup in your home. Do not take any chances after a flood and seek the help that you need.

Contact Flood Damage Restoration Professions In Orlando

If your home has been damaged or harmed by a flood, then it is important that you clean up and repair everything with the help of our skilled and knowledgeable team at Elements Disaster Recovery. By having our restoration professionals to assist, you can be sure that the structure of your home remains stable and that no damage is left undetected. You will be able to bring your home back to the condition that it was in before the flood, or better, Simply get in touch with our team at Elements Disaster Recovery to find out more about how we can help you after flooding in your home.
