Top Five Most Common Areas in Your Home Where Fires Start

Part of basic fire safety in the home is understanding where fires are most likely to occur. Then you can prepare by avoiding fire hazards, making sure smoke detectors are set up, and keeping fire extinguishers in these areas. Check out the top five places where home fires begin, and make sure you are safe!


This one probably isn’t a surprise: Kitchens tend to see a lot of heat use and frequent open flames, which are more likely to cause fires than other areas in the home. Kitchens also tend to have a lot of appliances, which raises the risk of wiring issues and electrical fires. It’s no surprise that most people keep their fire extinguishers in the kitchen!


Estimates say that around 7% of fires start in the bedroom. First, bedrooms are likely to have a lot of easily flammable materials like sheets and clothes, so it can be easy for fires to start there. Bedrooms are also common spots for candles and heat lamps, which can make things more comfortable but are also fire hazards waiting to happen. And yes, some people really do still smoke in bed, a dangerous activity in more ways than one.

Grill Area

Grills produce lots of heat (and hot foods) and can be a major source of fire or smoke damage, especially if left unattended for too long. Grills with flammable materials like coals can be even more dangerous! Grills should also be kept at least 10 feet away from walls and eaves and should not be used on balconies. As you can imagine, many people don’t follow these restrictions, which leads to a significant number of home grill fires.

Living Room

Living rooms are a common spot for heaters and fireplaces, which create a risk for fires without the proper precautions. Livings rooms may also be home to chimneys – one of the most common sources of house fires. If you have a chimney, make sure you keep it professionally inspected and cleaned!

Laundry Room

Laundry rooms have a lot of flammable materials, especially dryer lint. They are also home to large appliances that may have electrical shorts or other problems that can cause fires.

Looking for more information on fire hazards in the home – or maybe you need help dealing with fire or smoke damage? Start with Elements Disaster Recovery first: We can help get your home or business back to new again!
